Stop Comparing Yourself To Pinterest
If you are like me, or any other woman I know, you have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest. At some point you have stayed up way too late pinning recipes, outfits, and home décor. You are incredibly inspired by the countless number of beautiful photos and how-to’s. However….you are also incredibly intimidated. Pinterest is your…
If you are like me, or any other woman I know, you have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest. At some point you have stayed up way too late pinning recipes, outfits, and home décor. You are incredibly inspired by the countless number of beautiful photos and how-to’s. However….you are also incredibly intimidated. Pinterest is your frienemy.
When you are constantly fed images of beautiful, flawless women, clean and organized homes, and elaborate dinners, all perfectly styled and appealing… you often forget to remember that THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE. Every one of these photos are planned, styled, and edited to perfection. Nobody wakes up with not a hair out of place and flawless glowing skin. Nobody pulls a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven in the middle of a sparkling clean kitchen. Nobody is pinterest-perfect. And I will be the first to tell you, I am far from it.

Obviously, I am not going to broadcast my sink full of dishes, or my room so full of toys you cant see the carpet (except for today). I am willing to bet that not many people do. Naturally, we don’t show off what we are not proud of. But you know what? You should be proud.

Those dirty dishes are there because you took the time and effort to prepare a home-cooked meal for your family, when you could have ordered pizza. Those toys on the floor are there because your kids are playing, learning, and growing, when they could be sitting in front of the tv with a bag of potato chips. Your hair is up in a bun, your nails are chipped, and your feet are bare because you are working with your hands, getting down and dirty, playing, cleaning, and taking care of those you love.
But this issue with comparison….this seems to go deeper than I thought. We aren’t just comparing ourselves to the women on magazines and television and internet. We are comparing ourselves to every woman we meet. Every woman we pass in the grocery store. Every woman. Everywhere.
Whether you are thinking “I wish I could do my hair like that.” and “how does she keep her house so clean?!”, or “I am so glad I don’t look like that” and “oh I could do that way better.” this constant comparison has got to stop.
Galatians 6:4 (NIV)- “Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else…”
Romans 12:5 (MSG) – “Lets just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.”
The only one we should ever be comparing ourselves to is Christ. After all, he is the ultimate judge, and the only one that matters. If we could focus on pleasing the Lord rather than pleasing ourselves or the people around us (or the people across the internet) we are much more likely to find peace and satisfaction. Of course, Jesus is the only one without sin, and these thoughts are just naturally destined to cross our minds, but I encourage you to pay them no attention. Just remember who’s opinion matters. Put God first, and family next.
You are doing a great job. Don’t let media discourage you. Be the one who inspires others to live life to the fullest. Don’t take things for granted. Our time here is short. Spend it showing the ones you love how much you care about them. Find balance, take time to play, and embrace imperfection. And remember, you are enough.
My prayer:
Please forgive me for the times that I have valued others opinions above my own, or even worse, above yours. May I strive to please you daily, rather than pleasing the world. Let my life be an example of your love. And let every woman who is struggling with self-acceptance feel your love and guiding hand in their lives. Thank you for your Word, and the opportunity to share it.
Hey sis! I love this post and will definitely be sharing. I just want to share with you that this post is exactly what I and many others needed to hear. It makes me emotional because you see all these things online and you just wish you could have it too. I often times get so caught up that I forget to stop, breathe, and just look around. I forget how blessed I am to have what I have. I have an incredible husband who does his all to provide me with everything I want, even I don’t deserve it sometimes. Unconditional love from my family and friends, etc. So I want to say thank you for helping me realize that things aren’t always going to be “picture perfect” and that’s ok. <3
I am so happy to hear that my post had an impact on someone I love 🙂 I have to admit that you are one of the people I have been guilty of enviously comparing myself to. Instead I choose to be happy for you, and thankful to have you in my life. <3 love you, girl.
I’m preparing to give a little demo encouraging busy moms with some tools to gain confidence in the kitchen. I was looking for something to remind us all that very few people really live a Pinterest life. I’m so glad to have found your post, I love the pictures you shared and the verse from Romans. I think I’m going to use it in my talk. Satan really doesn’t have to come up with new tricks, because the old ones continue to work so well! We are so quick to think we don’t measure up and isolate ourselves as a result.
Thank you! I would love to hear more about your demo! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I have a little issue with spam comments (receiving 100+ a day) so it takes me some time to filter through.
I did end up showing your photos of your daughter’s bedroom, which everyone enjoyed, appreciating the reminder. (As I write I think, kind of like the Great and Powerful Oz…”Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”) But talking about comparing ourselves, I ended up using (from The Message) Galatians 5:25-26 “Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.” Love that last part.
Wow, I love that too. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
I’m so proud of you, Heather
:’) That means the world to me, Hannah.